Friday, December 4, 2015


        For my product, I have a few promotional strategies I would incorporate. For starters, since it will be a Nevada based market, I would start off with perhaps hitting the local chains of bars first. I would start off with either PT’s or Mulligans, I would speak of course to the owners and managers of the chains and infuse my product on their table menus. I would add to the menu our app logos so customers can follow us and/or add us on social media. I would also advertise on the menu, since the average Nevadan going to these local bars would be from the age range of 21-35, for our customers to add on our pages their Habanero Sweet and Spicy selfie. So they can share their experience with our product to their friends and families and be intrigued to go out and try it themselves. “Consumer promotions must usually be advertised and can add excitement and pulling power to ads.” Marketing: An Introduction, Armstrong/Kotler, page 432. On the social media pages I will incorporate and add our story of our product, how it was originated and how it was made. Maybe even add a Peanut mascot to the pages and have insights to his story, so customers can add and follow him. Creating a fun and “young” appealing mascot can maybe relate to the customer and attract their appeal more to the product. I would also like to market my product not just to the local bars but also the local sports arenas. For example, I would like to test run my product at the UNLV football game, 51s (Nevada’s AAA Baseball team) and of course Vegas Speedway and/or the new MGM arena. Why these places? Because they have a good alcoholic consumption rate and who wouldn’t want to consume some good tasty peanuts at a baseball game? 

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