Friday, December 4, 2015


      Pricing of my product I would lean towards the good-value pricing method instead of the traditional cost-based pricing. “It’s important to remember that “good value” is not the same as “low price.” Marketing: An Introduction, Armstrong/Kotler, page 276. “The company first assesses customer needs and value perceptions. It then sets its target price based on customer perceptions of value.” Marketing: An Introduction, Armstrong/Kotler, page 329. I would price my value, due to the research and talks I had with peers at $6.35. It’s not too expensive for local bars and can be placed on the appetizer menu. It would also work at the ball park or football stadium if and when we hit the local teams. The price could adjust to consumer intake too. The authenticity of my product will probably eventually boost up the sales as well given we do a “test run” I am positive it will exceed and customers will enjoy my product.

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